
This routine is only available on Doors CSE 8.0 and later for the color-screen TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition.

Technical Details #

GetPixelA (16-bit, TI-OS VALUES) #

X = x value
Y = y value

This function returns a 16-bit colour code from LCD GRAM in Ans

GetPixelB (xLIBC palette, TI-OS VALUES) #

X = x value
Y = y value

This function returns a custom xLIB palette colour code from LCD GRAM in Ans

SetPixelA (16-bit, TI-OS VALUES) #

X = x value
Y = y value
COLOURHIGH = high 8-bits of 16-bit colour code
COLOURLOW = low 8-bits of 16-bit colour code
SIZE = size of pixel to draw
UPDATELCD = 0/1 to update LCD after drawing

This function sets a 16-bit colour pixel in LCD GRAM

SetPixelB (xLIB palette, TI-OS VALUES) #

X = x value
Y = y value
COLOUR = colour index (standard xLIB palette)
SIZE = size of pixel to draw
UPDATELCD = 0/1 to update LCD after drawing

This function sets a customer xLIB palette colour pixel in LCD GRAM

InvertPixel (TI-OS VALUES) #

X = x value
Y = y value
SIZE = size of pixel to draw
UPDATELCD = 0/1 to update LCD after drawing

This function inverts a pixel in LCD GRAM

DrawLine (xLIB palette, TI-OS VALUES) #

X0 = left x value
Y0 = top y value
X1 = right x value
Y1 = bottom y value
COLOUR = colour index (standard xLIB palette)
UPDATELCD = 0/1 to update LCD after drawing

This function draws a line from X0,Y0 to X1,Y1 using the custom xLIB palette

InvertLine (TI-OS VALUES) #

X0 = left x value
Y0 = top y value
X1 = right x value
Y1 = bottom y value
UPDATELCD = 0/1 to update LCD after drawing

This function draws a line from X0,Y0 to X1,Y1 with inverted colours

DrawRectangle (xLIB palette, TI-OS VALUES) #

X0 = left x value
Y0 = top y value
WIDTH = width of rectangle
HEIGHT = height of rectangle
COLOUR = colour index (standard xLIB palette)
UPDATELCD = 0/1 to update LCD after drawing

This function draws a rectangle starting at X0,Y0 for WIDTH,HEIGHT using the custom xLIB palette

InvertRectangle (TI-OS VALUES) #

X0 = left x value
Y0 = top y value
WIDTH = width of rectangle
HEIGHT = height of rectangle
UPDATELCD = 0/1 to update LCD after drawing

This function draws a rectangle starting at X0,Y0 for WIDTH,HEIGHT with inverted colours

FillRectangle (xLIB palette, TI-OS VALUES) #

X0 = left x value
Y0 = top y value
WIDTH = width of rectangle
HEIGHT = height of rectangle
COLOUR = colour index (standard xLIB palette)
UPDATELCD = 0/1 to update LCD after drawing

This function draws a filled rectangle starting at X0,Y0 for WIDTH,HEIGHT using the custom xLIB palette

InvertFilledRectangle (TI-OS VALUES) #

X0 = left x value
Y0 = top y value
WIDTH = width of rectangle
HEIGHT = height of rectangle
UPDATELCD = 0/1 to update LCD after drawing

This function draws a filled rectangle starting at X0,Y0 for WIDTH,HEIGHT with inverted colours

DrawCircle (TIOS VALUES) #

XCENTRE = centre x value
YCENTRE = centre y value
RADIUS = radius of circle
COLOUR = colour index (standard xLIB palette)
UPDATELCD = 0/1 to update LCD after drawing

This function will draw a circle (outline only) with its centre at XCENTRE,YCENTRE for RADIUS using the custom xLIB palette

DrawFilledCircle (TIOS VALUES) #

XCENTRE = centre x value
YCENTRE = centre y value
RADIUS = radius of circle
COLOUR = colour index (standard xLIB palette)
UPDATELCD = 0/1 to update LCD after drawing

This function will draw a filled circled with its centre at XCENTRE,YCENTRE for RADIUS using the custom xLIB palette

DrawFilledColourRotateRectangle (TIOS VALUES, DCSE8.1) #

X0 = left x value
Y0 = top y value
WIDTH = width of rectangle
HEIGHT = height of rectangle
UPDATELCD = 0/1 to update LCD after drawing
This function draws a filled rectangle starting at X0,Y0 for WIDTH,HEIGHT. Any pixles that it overlaps will be rotated according to the value of COLOUR_OFFSET (see SETUPCOLORMODE in the SETUP section)\

Color Values #

Special thanks to Shaun ‘Merthsoft’ McFall for generating this image.