Description #
Draws an 8-bit (256-color) sprite to the LCD.
Technical Details #
This routine draws an arbitrary-sized sprite to the LCD. In Doors CSE 8.0, it is implemented to allow any 16-bit position and any 8-bit width and height for sprites. It will sanely handle sprites that are partially off-screen by not drawing them at all. In future Doors CSE versions, it will perform proper clipping to display the onscreen portions of partially off-screen sprites.
Inputs #
de = top-left x
hl = top-left y
ix = pointer to sprite data with the following format:
.dw pointer_to_palette
.db widthpx, heightpx
.db bitpacked_padded_rows...
If the pointer_to_palette is 0, then the routine will use the default
palette where the high byte of the 16-bit color written is equal to the
low byte. This creates the set of colors seen below. The routine accepts
any 16-bit x-coordinate and any 16-bit y-coordinate. Widths must be at
most 255 pixels; heights must be at most 240 pixels.
Note: After Doors CSE 8.0, this routine will properly handle
transparency at the edges of sprites with widths not divisible by 8, and
clipping of partially off-screen sprites.
Note: In either palette mode, the color $57 always means
transparent. Use an alternate color for non-transparent.

Outputs #
Sprite drawn to the LCD.
Destroyed #