
Description #

Draw a rectangle on the homescreen. You must use DispColor to enable colors before you use this. Thanks to TextLib by DrDnar for inspiring this function.

Technical Details #

Arguments #

FG_LO: Low byte of color
FG_HI: High byte of color
ROW: Starting row of rectangle
COL: Starting column of rectangle
HEIGHT: Rectangle height, in characters
WIDTH: Rectangle height, in characters
Because of TI-OS argument-parsing limitations, foreground and background colors must be provided as a sequence of two numbers in the range 0-255.

Alternative format: det(15,FG_OS,ROW,COL,HEIGHT,WIDTH
FG_OS: Foreground color from TI-OS Colors menu, like RED or BLUE or NAVY.
BG_OS: Background color from TI-OS Colors menu, like RED or BLUE or NAVY.
ROW: Starting row of rectangle
COL: Starting column of rectangle
HEIGHT: Rectangle height, in characters
WIDTH: Rectangle height, in characters
‘‘‘See DispColor page for color codes.


Outputs #

See description.