Celtic III

Celtic III is a set of BASIC libraries originally written by Iambian Zenith (Rodger Weisman) designed to provide programs with editing capabilities.

ToggleSet - det(0,“FN”,f#) 0=Arc;1=Lk;2=PA;3=Hid;4=Del;5=Crt;6=PS;7=Stat
NumToString - det(1,var) Out:type code
GetListElem - det(2,“LN”,elem) out:lNAME(elem) -> Real/Cpx
GetArgType - det(3,argofanytype) filetype code
ChkStats - det(4,f#) 0=RAM 1=ARC 2=ID 3=OSVER
LineRead - det(5,“FN”,line#,[#oflines])
LineWrite - det(6,“STR”,“FN”,line#)
LineErase - det(7,“FN”,line#,[#oflines])
LineReplace - det(8,“FN”,“STR”,line#,[#oflines])
FindProg - det(9,[“SEARCH”])
UngroupFile - det(10,“GFN”)
GetGroup - det(11,“GFN”)
ExtGroup - det(12,“GFN”,item#)
GroupMem - det(13,“GFN”,item#)
BinRead - det(14,“FN”,bytestart,#ofbytes)
BinWrite - det(15,“HEX”,“FN”,bytestart)
BinDelete - det(16,“FN”,bytestart,del#ofbytes)
HexToBin - det(17,“484558”)
BinToHex - det(18,“BIN”)
FastCopy - det(19)
ExecHex - det(20,“C9”)
Edit1Byte - det(21,Str?,StartByte,ReplaceWithThisByte)
ModeChange - det(22…) Not implemented
IndexFile - det(23,“FILENAME”,“NEWINDEXNAME”)
LookupIndex - det(24,“FILENAME”,“INDEXNAME”,line#,[#oflines])
ErrorHandle - det(25,function,string)
MatToStr - det(26,Matrix#)
StringRead - det(27,“binstring”,start,readThisMany)
HexToDec - det(28,“HEXSTRING”)
DecToHex - det(29,SomeRealNumber,[autoOverride])
EditWord - det(30,start_byte,replace_with_this_word)
BitOperate - det(31,value1,value2,logic)
GetProgList - det(32,“SEARCHSTRING”,[type])\