
Description #

This routine pushes one element onto the GUI stack; it is among the most complex of the DCSB_Libs. Read carefully the documentation for each function, as invalid or improper arguments may cause unpredictable behavior up to freezes and RAM clears. Please see the GUI_API guide for assembly programmers for full information on how the GUI stack works. You can also check out the ASM equivalents of the DCSB Lib GUI stack routines at the GUI_Tools page. The ASM equivalent of this function is ASMLibs:PushGUIStack.

Technical Details #

Arguments #

TYPE: The type of element to push onto the GUI stack. There are 24 total valid types, as detailed below. Each is linked to the ASM SDK page on that type.
*** GUIRnull: sum(7,0,N). This is one of the three types that must be the first element pushed. The value of N should be 255 if the graphscreen should be completely erased before rendering the elements on top of this, or 254 if the contents of the graphscreen should be preserved.

  • GUIRLargeWin: sum(7,1,ICON,TITLE). This is one of the three types that must be the first element pushed. ICON must be a 10-character hex string (8x5), but with only a 5x5 usable area - the last 3 rows should be left empty. The TITLE string may contain any typeable characters and tokens.
  • GUIRSmallWin: sum(7,2,X,Y,ICON,TITLE). This is one of the three types that must be the first element pushed. X and Y are the coordinates of the top-left corner of the small window, and must be between 0 and 15, inclusive. An X or Y value greater than 15 may cause memory corruption and crashes. ICON must be a 10-character hex string defining five bytes containing a 5x5 icon. The TITLE string may contain any typeable characters and tokens.
  • GUIRFullScreenImg: sum(7,3,PIC#). This will insert a fullscreen image into the GUI stack, and is usually used directly after sum(7,0,255), creation of a new GUI stack group headed by a GUIRnull. The value of Pic# specifies the Pic variable from which the image should be copied. The Pic must be in RAM, and as with all Pic functions, 10=Pic 0.
  • GUIRText: sum(7,4,X,Y,0,“STRING”). The specified string will be displayed in the GUI stack, where X,Y is the top-left corner of the text. The 0 specifies what font to use; as of Doors CS 7.0, only one font is available, but future versions of Doors CS may add additional fonts. The STRING should not overflow the right edge of the container or the screen.
  • GUIRWinButtons: sum(7,5,N). Display one or more of the possible window buttons at the top of this container. This should only be used if a GUIRSmallWin or GUIRLargeWin is the head element of this GUI stack group. N is a sum of the possible values 32 (for the close or X button), 64 (for the maximize or square button), and 128 (for the minimize or underbar button). For example, to render the close and minimize buttons, N should equal 32+128 = 160.
  • GUIRWrappedText: sum(7,6,X,Y,WIDTH,0,STRING). Draws a block of text starting at (X,Y), of width WIDTH, automatically wrapped as necessary. The WIDTH should not be wider than the container, nor should it cause any part of the text to be rendered below the bottom of the screen. The 0 indicates what font to use; as of Doors CS 7.0, only font 0 is available. Do not confuse this with the GUIRTextMultiline element.
  • GUIRButtonText: sum(7,7,X,Y,“STRING”). Renders a clickable button at (X,Y) containing string STRING. If the button is clicked, a GUI Mouse call will be terminated.
  • GUIRButtonImg: sum(7,8,X,Y,IMWIDTH,BUTTONIMG,ICON). Renders a clickable button at (X,Y) containing the image specified by the hex code in ICON. The IMWIDTH may be 1 for 8 pixels, 2, for 16 pixels, etc. The BUTTONIMG specifies the width of the image in pixels, for example 5, 6, or 8 if IMWIDTH=1. The ICON is a string of hex nibbles 10*IMWIDTH characters long.
  • GUIRTextLineIn: sum(7,9,X,Y,WIDTH,MAXCHARS,STRING). Renders an interactive single-line text box WIDTH pixels wide. Up to MAXCHARS characters may be typed inside. The initial contents of the text box will be STRING, or blank if STRING is “”.
  • GUIRRadio: sum(7,10,x,y,STRING,GROUPID,STATE). Renders a radio button at (X,Y), including a descriptive STRING to the right of the button. The STATE argument can be 0 or 1, indicating whether the button should be initially unselected or selected, respectively. The GROUPID indicates which radio buttons are in the same group; when one radio button with a given GROUPID is clicked, all other radio buttons with the same GROUPID are unselected. The GROUPID is a number.
  • GUIRCheckbox: sum(7,11,X,Y,STATE,GROUPID,STRING). Renders a checkbox at (X,Y), including a descriptive STRING to the right of the box. The STATE argument can be 0 or 1, indicating whether the box should be initially unchecked or checked, respectively. The GROUPID indicates which check boxes are in the same group, but has no effect currently. It is included mainly for symmetry with GUIRRadio elements.
  • GUIRByteInt: sum(7,12,X,Y,INITIAL,MIN,MAX). A numerical input box, accepting a number between 0 and 255, inclusive. The MIN and MAX arguments specify some subset of that range as valid for this box. The INITIAL argument specifies what number it should start at when rendered.
  • GUIRWordInt: sum(7,13,X,Y,INITIAL,MIN,MAX). A numerical input box, similar to GUIRByteInt but accepting a number between 0 and 65535, inclusive. The MIN and MAX arguments specify some subset of that range as valid for this box. The INITIAL argument specifies what number it should start at when rendered.
  • GUIRHotspot: sum(7,14,X,Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT). An invisible clickable hotspot with upper-left corner at (X,Y) and a given WIDTH and HEIGHT. It masks any elements underneath, so a GUIRHotspot can be used to provide custom clickability on top of other elements.
  • GUIRTextMultiline: sum(7,15,X,Y,ROWS,WIDTH,STRING). An interactive multiline textbox with ROWS rows (ie, 6*ROWS pixels tall) and WIDTH pixels wide. The initial contents of the textbox is STRING; line returns can be represented with the Stat Plots symbol “dot”. An empty initial STRING "" is also acceptable.
  • GUIRSprite: sum(7,16,X,Y,HEIGHT,SPRITE). An 8-pixel wide, HEIGHT-pixel-high sprite. SPRITE is a 2*HEIGHT-character string of hex nibbles. (X,Y) is the upper-left corner of the sprite.
  • GUIRLargeSprite: sum(7,17,X,Y,BYTEWIDTH,PXHEIGHT,SPRITE). An 8*BYTEWIDTH-pixel-wide, PXHEIGHT-pixel-high sprite. X should be less than 97-8*BYTEWIDTH, and Y should be less than 65-PXHEIGHT. SPRITE should be a string of hex nibbles, 2*PXHEIGHT*BYTEWIDTH characters long.
  • GUIRPassIn: sum(7,18,X,Y,WIDTH,MAXCHARS,STRING). Renders an interactive single-line password input box WIDTH pixels wide. Up to MAXCHARS characters may be typed inside. The initial contents of the text box will be STRING, or blank if STRING is “”. The functionality of this element is identical to that of GUIRTextLineIn except that the characters are obfuscated.
  • GUIRScrollVert: sum(7,19,X,Y,HEIGHT,ID,INC/DEC,MIN,MAX,CUR). Render a vertical scrollbar starting at upper-left at (X,Y), with scroll area height HEIGHT (total vertical height 12+HEIGHT). The MIN, MAX, and CUR values define the size of the scroll slider and its current position. The ID is arbitrary, but should be unique for future use. INC/DEC is also irrelevant in the context of the DCSBLibs, and should be left as 1.
  • GUIRScrollHoriz: sum(7,20,X,Y,WIDTH,ID,INC/DEC,MIN,MAX,CUR). Render a horizontal scrollbar starting at upper-left at (X,Y), with scroll area width WIDTH (total horizontal width 12+WIDTH). The MIN, MAX, and CUR values define the size of the scroll slider and its current position. The ID is arbitrary, but should be unique for future use. INC/DEC is also irrelevant in the context of the DCSBLibs, and should be left as 1.
  • GUIRBorder: sum(7,21,X,Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT,COLOR). Render an outlined, unfilled rectangle with upper-left corner (X,Y), width WIDTH, and height HEIGHT. COLOR is 0=white, 1=black.
  • GUIRRect: sum(7,22,X,Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT,COLOR). Render a filled rectangle with upper-left corner (X,Y), width WIDTH, and height HEIGHT. COLOR is 255=white, 254=black, 253=invert, 170=checkered, 0=striped.
  • GUIRMouseCursor: sum(7,24,X1*256+Y1,X2*256+Y2,MASK,CURSOR). (X1,Y1) is the top-left corner of the area; (X2,Y2) is the bottom-right corner. Note that the coordinates are LCD-based, not based on the coordinates of the current window. The MASK is a 16-character string of hex nibbles specifying an 8x8 white-on-black mask, where black is transparent and white is opaque. The CURSOR is a similar 16-character string of hex nibbles specifying an 8x8 sprite. Inside the specified area, the mouse cursor will be changed from the default to the specified cursor.

Outputs #

The GUI stack is modified to include the new element, and enlarged to hold it. Note that memory contraints apply; it is recommended that the programmer be cautious and verify there is enough available memory before large pushes to the stack.

Destroyed #
