
Doors CS implements most of the library functions provided by MirageOS, though not all of them are documented directly here. For those that do not have a documentation page here, refer to the documentation provided with MirageOS. These functions are available to programs that use the MirageOS or Doors CS program headers.

  • directin - scans one group of the keypad for pressed keys via direct input.
  • sendbytetios - sends one byte via TI-OS linking routines.
  • getbytetios - receives one byte via TI-OS linking routines.
  • version - retrieves MirageOS library compatibility information.
  • setvputs - sets (penrow) and (pencol) and displays a string in variable-width graphscreen font.
  • setpixel - sets a specific pixel in the graph buffer to dark.
  • fastcopys - copies the graph buffer to the LCD, preserving all registers.
  • multhe - multiplies h*e.
  • multhl - multiplies h*l.
  • quittoshell - quits directly to Doors CS, regardless of stack level.
  • fastline - draws a line to the graph buffer, fast.
  • pixelonhl - similar to setpixel
  • pixeloff - turns a specified pixel to white.
  • pixelxor - xor’s a specified pixel.
  • pixeltest - returns the state of a specified pixel.
  • pixeloffhl - similar to pixeloff.
  • pixelxorhl - similar to pixelxor.
  • pixeltesthl - similar to pixeltest.
  • fastlineb - draws a black line to the graph buffer.
  • fastlinew - draws a white line to the graph buffer.
  • fastlinex - XORs a line onto the graph buffer.
  • pointonc - like pixelon, but with clipping.
  • pointoffc - like pixeloff, but with clipping.
  • pointxorc - like pixelxor, but with clipping.
  • centertext - draws a centered string to the graph buffer in variable-width font.
  • cphlbc - compares hl and bc.
  • putsprite8 - like iPutSprite width height=8.
  • fastcopyb - similar to iFastCopy, but using hl instead of gbuf as the memory location.
  • vputsc - like vputs, but copying to both the LCD and the graph buffer.
  • scrolld7 - scroll the graph buffer by 7 lines.
  • vnewline - like CRLF, calling scrolld7 if necessary.
  • rand127 - return a random number between 0 and 127, inclusive.
  • disprle - decompress RLE-compressed image.
  • cphlde - compare hl and de.
  • multdehl - multiply hl and de.
  • fastlined - draws a fast line with a dotted line style.
  • disprlel - similar to disprle, but with a specified size.
  • getnext - steps forward (high mem to low mem) through the VAT, one program at a time.
  • getprev - steps backwards (low mem to high mem) through the VAT, one program at a time.
  • compstrs - compare two zero-terminated strings.
  • nextstr - increment through a zero-terminated string to the following string.
  • fastrectangle - draws an unfilled rectangle to the graph buffer.
  • gettext - like vputs, but gets input.
  • gettextv - same as gettext with additional options.
  • disp3spaces - displays three spaces in small (graphscreen) font.
  • vputa - displays the value of the accumulator in base 10.
  • compstrsn - compares two strings for a specified number of characters.
  • largespritehl - similar to iLargeSprite
  • setupint - sets up a simplified MirageOS interrupt tasker.
  • getchecksum - (not included in Doors CS).
  • freearc - gets amount of free archive (not included in Doors CS).
  • swapram - swaps two areas of memory via the stack (not included in Doors CS).
  • vatswap - swaps two VAT entries. Removed from Doors CS for space reasons.
  • sendprog - attempt to transfer a program using TI-OS linking routines (not included in Doors CS).
  • arcprog - archived program (not included in Doors CS).
  • renameprog - rename program (not included in Doors CS).
  • delprog - delete a specified program. (not included in Doors CS)
  • filledrectangle - draws a filled rectangle.