
This routine is only available on Doors CSE 8.0 and later for the color-screen TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition.

Description #

The TI-84+CSE version of xLIB has some key differences from its previous counterparts. One of the most obvious ones is the facility to utilize ‘internal user variables’ for data storage and calculations as opposed to using TI-OS variables. Note that most functions have versions (usually version ‘A’ (like ‘DRAWMAPA’ for example) still take TI-OS variables as arguments. These user vars help xLIBC update data in the functions themselves and can save calculation time in your program.

IMPORTANT - User variables are only temporary and are stored at PlotsScreen (RAM: $987C). Please ensure that you are not using this memory area while executing your program as it may produce unexpected results.

Technical Details #

GetUservar #

real(1,0,Uservar_Num): Get the value of the given Uservar

This function returns the value stored in Uservar_Num to Ans

SetUservar #

real(1,1,Uservar_Num,Value): Set the value of the given Uservar to Value

This function writes Value to Uservar_Num and returns the Uservar_Num that was modified to Ans

AddToUservar #

real(1,2,Uservar_Num,Value): Add Value to the value of the given Uservar

This function adds Value to Uservar_Num and returns the Uservar_Num that was modified to Ans

SubFromUservar #

real(1,3,Uservar_Num,Value): Subtract Value from the value of the given Uservar

This function subtracts Value to Uservar_Num and returns the Uservar_Num that was modified to Ans