This routine is only available on Doors CSE 8.0 and later for the color-screen TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition.
Description #
These routines have been significantly overhauled from the monochrome xLIB getKey function.
Technical Details #
GetKey #
real(2,0,0): Key code stored to Ans (as per _getCSC codes)
GetKeyCheckList #
GETKEY_CHECKNUM = number of checks to perform (length of list to check
GETKEY_KEYVAL = key value to check for
GETKEY_USERVAR = Uservar to update if key value is pressed
GETKEY_VALUE = value to update Uservar by if key is pressed
Checks for a list of keypresses and updates the appropriate user variables
GetKeyArrows #
USERVAR_X = user variable index holding x coordinate to update (0-255)
USERVAR_Y = user variable index holding y coordinate to update (0-255)
VALUE_X = amount to update uservar by if left/right is pressed
VALUE_Y = amount to update uservar by if up/down is pressed
Checks for up,down,left,right arrows and updates the specified user variables:
- If up is pressed then USERVAR_Y = USERVAR_Y - VALUE_Y
- If down is pressed then USERVAR_Y = USERVAR_Y + VALUE_Y
- If left is pressed then USERVAR_X = USERVAR_X - VALUE_X
- If right is pressed then USERVAR_X = USERVAR_X + VALUE_X
GetKeyArrowsDiagonals #
Checks for up,down,left,right and diagonal arrows and updates the specified user variables:
- If up is pressed then USERVAR_Y = USERVAR_Y - VALUE_Y
- If down is pressed then USERVAR_Y = USERVAR_Y + VALUE_Y
- If left is pressed then USERVAR_X = USERVAR_X - VALUE_X
- If right is pressed then USERVAR_X = USERVAR_X + VALUE_X
- If up+left is pressed then USERVAR_Y = USERVAR_Y - VALUE_Y, USERVAR_X = USERVAR_X - VALUE_X
- If up+right is pressed then USERVAR_Y = USERVAR_Y - VALUE_Y, USERVAR_X = USERVAR_X + VALUE_X
- If down+left is pressed then USERVAR_Y = USERVAR_Y + VALUE_Y, USERVAR_X = USERVAR_X - VALUE_X
- If down+right is pressed then USERVAR_Y = USERVAR_Y + VALUE_Y, USERVAR_X = USERVAR_X + VALUE_X
GetKeyArrowsCheckTile #
USERVAR_MAPWIDTH = width of tilemap in tiles (uservar 0-255)
COLLISIONTILE = upper limit of walkable tiles (any tile less than this
will be walkable)
MAPSTRING = string variable holding tilemap data (0-10)
X0 = left x coordinate of collision box
Y0 = top y coordinate of collision box
X1 = right x coordinate of collision box
Y1 = bottom y coordinate of collision box
This performs the same as the above GetKeyArrows function but will only
update the user variables if the move is to a walkable tile in the
supplied tilemap. The X0,Y0,X1,Y1 is used to specify a ‘collision box’
around the x/y coordinate. Anything inside this coordinate must be
walkable for the function to update the user variables.
GetKeyArrowsDiagonalsCheckTile #
Refer to the GetKeyArrowsCheckTile function; this adds diagonal keypresses as well.
GetKeyArrowsCheckTileList (DCSE8.1) #
USERVAR_MAPWIDTH = width of tilemap in tiles (uservar 0-255)
COLLISIONTILE = upper limit of walkable tiles (any tile less than this
will be walkable)
MAPSTRING = string variable holding tilemap data (0-10)
X0 = left x coordinate of collision box
Y0 = top y coordinate of collision box
X1 = right x coordinate of collision box
Y1 = bottom y coordinate of collision box
This function is the same as the above however it will return
information regarding any keypresses and any collided tiles in a ‘real
list’ contained in a user-defined list named “XL” with the format:
NUM_COLLIDED_TILES = number of tiles collided against given the
arguments in the call
COLLIDED_TILES_LIST = list of tiles collided against given the arguments
in the call
The KEY_PRESS value is also stored to Ans for easy reference\
GetKeyArrowsDiagonalsCheckTileList (DCSE8.1) #
refer to the above function, adds diagonal keypresses as well