
Description #

Create a new AP file with a given name, type, size, and data. Operates with no GUI.

Technical Details #

As of Doors CS 6.4 beta, it uses the new RunProg_Chaining system to operate. It puts away any open program before creating the new program, so be aware that pointers in memory might have moved around. It is strongly recommended to re-chkfindsym any RAM (and ROM) variables after calling this function. Note that this function will also move the gui7 AppVar back above any newly-created file. Doors CS will handle closing any open AP files when your program quits.

Inputs #

hl = pointer to data to put in new file
bc = size of pure data section (the program created will be larger than this because of the AP header)
de = pointer to 3-byte type sequence
op1 contains name, eg. .db 06,“NAME”,0

Outputs #

zero flag = Set if successful. If not zero, then the function FAILED, and the existing open file might have been closed! Be aware of this.
hl = 0 if no file was returned, or the first byte of data if a file was returned
de = pointer to the size word of the data for updating. Please note: the size at the size word is not the same as the size word in bc. bc is 8 bytes smaller than (de) due to the AP header ($BB,$6D,$C9,$31,$80,type,type,type)
bc = size of the pure data section of the file.

Destroyed #

a, bc, de, hl, Op1, iMathPtrs, GUI_Memory_Areas